November 7, 2016, 1:42 pm

Patch 2.9.0 - Changes Notes

New maps:

  • Karacus Outpost - Zonecontrol
  • KYA DM - Death Match

Changes/Bug fixes:

  • Karacus Outpost is a map that haven't worked for a year... - The current layout is not finished and will be heavily edited in 2.9.0_v2. It takes a while to load - so dont disconnect ;)
  • Death Valley got a bunch of additional covers. Added and moved some spawnpoints. New textures and new light for the tunnels.
  • Invasion_v2 got a lot of additional colliders - again.
  • Invasion Arena got some new lights to highlight dangerous corners and a nicer texture for the ground.
  • Anticheat got improved.
  • Mobility got a lot of additional covers plus some nade obstacles and some lights.
  • Gemini Port (all Versions) got some covers to protect fresh spawned players. Also added more spawnpoints and moved some around.
  • Oasis Control got temporary removed - but will reappear soon...
  • GOLD!!! now you can buy 250 Gold for 10.000$ ingame-cash - The Shop isnt fixed yet and will show something else when purchasing, but you get your gold.
  • Volcano got some new buildings and covers. Some palms had to go since they were bad for performance
  • Occlusion got enabled so you should get some performance boost on weak devices. It aint perfect yet so maybe some stuff might disappear when walking sideways past it
  • KYA DM is a map made a long while ago by KYA - tell me on fb if you like it or if some stuff needs some work. I havent played on it yet...
  • Ads on mobile should be gone now - so i hope somebody donates some cash instead...

October 17, 2016, 5:20 pm

MadFinger streams ComZone - this Thursday!

Your chance to play against MadFinger on ComZone. 

This thursday streamed live on twitch.


October 2, 2016, 11:40 am

Patch 2.8.9 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Palace v2 - Zonecontrol

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Palace_v2 is a new version of the original Palace map from SGDZ. Added two new paths to get to C.
  • Death Valley got another set of colliders - again and again. So i hope this time nobody will be able to climb the mountains for really real.
  • Invasion_v2 got a lot of additional colliders. So there shouldn't be any guys hiding in walls anymore
  • Speed-bug should be fixed now...

August 28, 2016, 8:35 pm

Patch 2.8.8 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Gemini Port Duel - Deathmatch 1vs1
  • Palace Duel - Deathmatch 1vs1
  • Invasion_v2 - Zonecontrol

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Smoother stairs in Powerhub_v2
  • Made a 1vs1 version of Gemini Port. Its a smaller area and only two players can join
  • Made a 1vs1 version of Palace. Its the area around C and only two players can join
  • Invasion_v2 is a new version of the original from SGDZ. This one has two bridges.
  • Death Valley got another set of colliders - again. So i hope this time nobody will be able to climb the mountains for real. I also worked on the textures...
  • Medikit-bug should be fixed now...

August 3, 2016, 4:35 pm

Duel Core for all

Minor server-sided update. 

There are 3 instances of Duel Core available now. So no more waiting until its your turn for a 1vs1...

July 29, 2016, 6:43 pm

Patch 2.8.7 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Duel Core - Deathmatch
  • Libra Town - Deathmatch

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Fixed that stair platform bug in Palace
  • Made a 1vs1 version of Core. Its only the upper floor and only two players can join - thats why its Duel Core
  • Power Hub v2 got some bug fixes. No more falling through laser floors and no invisible floors in the extended area
  • Invasion Arena got a little bridge added and also the skins shouldn't be black anymore. Stairs should be smooth to walk on as well.
  • Libra Town is a large version of Libra - dont get distracted ;)
  • Death Valley got another set of colliders. So i hope this time nobody will be able to climb the mountains.

July 19, 2016, 12:07 pm

Android is online as well

Built a new client for Android so you mobile warriors can finally play on 2.8.6

Since i dont have an android device there is no guarantee it works.
No risk - no fun
The download page is the following:

July 18, 2016, 5:08 pm

Patch 2.8.6 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Palace - Deathmatch
  • Power Hub_v2 - Deathmatch

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Fixed that Platform glitch in Oasis
  • Made a Death Match version of Palace. Main purpose is to see how well i could recreate the original lights but why not have some fun with it as well...
  • Power Hub got a second enlarged version. The small version is still available
  • All the old maps should work again like its used to be

July 4, 2016, 7:38 pm

Android is back

Built a new client for Android so you mobile warriors can finally play on 2.8.5

Since i dont have an android device there is no guarantee it works.
No risk - no fun
The download page is the following:

June 30, 2016, 12:19 pm

Patch 2.8.5 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Oasis - Deathmatch
  • Power Hub - Deathmatch
  • Indust - Deathmatch
  • Gemini Port - Zone Control

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Nicer lights for OASIS
  • Minor layout changes in OASIS plus two additionl dropships that can be entered
  • Added Obstacles to MOBILITY and changed some lights
  • INDUST got enlarged a little bit so now its easier to get through the doors
  • INDUST also got some additional colliders to some hard to walk on stairs
  • Some maps dont work proper right now due to some server script bug - will be fixed "soon"

April 7, 2016, 1:24 am

Patch 2.8.4 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Volcano - Deathmatch
  • SmallcupperDeathmatch
  • Rebel - Deathmatch
  • CandyDeathmatch
  • Dust Circle - Deathmatch

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • New graphics setting: FPS.
  • If you get killed by an item or a weapon, it will appear in the kill announcement.
  • Optimized Anti Cheat - reduced the random kills when you fall.
  • Improved performance - yes, we actually did improve it a lot, you will notice that on mobile.
  • Nicknames, YAY!
  • Team changing in ZC matches - happy Clan Wars!
  • Black objects in Sam Base are now fixed.
  • Now, if you don't select a region in account settings, you will be connected to the appropriate one.
  • Fixed the bug that prevented you from destroying turrets with a melee attack.
  • Improved the server manager - servers should stop disappearing every day.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow the menu music to start playing.
  • STATS!!! You can now see all your lovely kills, accuracy and every other thing.
  • Rankings - not perfect yet, will be improved soon.

March 16, 2016, 2:20 am

Patch 2.8.3 - Changes Notes

New map.

  • Gemini Port - Deathmatch

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • You can now see your ping in match.
  • Improved Crossing map quality.
  • Added some colliders on Death Valley.
  • Slightly improved performance on mobile devices.
  • Fixed the second stairs collision on Libra.
  • Added Sentry Gun Plasma and Test Gun to research. There is now a new category called Test.

March 12, 2016, 11:33 am

New Server - US

We just launched a new server in the United States. You can change between America/Europe in your account settings in the game.

Please use the appropriate region in order to have a stable connection and reduce the lag.

March 10, 2016, 1:27 pm

Patch 2.8.2 - Changes Notes

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Mobile ads will no longer freeze the game when you join a match.
  • Fixed an inaccessible corner in Libra.
  • Fixed shader issues in Vortex.
  • Increased Crossing map size. Currently having shader issues, which will be fixed in the next update
  • Fixed non-working covers in Invasion Arena.
  • Improved lobby security
  • Added a beta anti cheat system. It may trigger false positives, we will tweak that over time.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow you to refill Rocket Launchers ammo by changing to another weapon.
  • Remove language filter.
  • Temporary disabled Container Hall due to performance issues.
The update is live for Web and Android. iOS version will be post postponed for a while. Thank you to everybody who helped us test ComZone on iOS, we'll run a new test session soon.

March 3, 2016, 1:06 pm

Patch - Changes Notes

This update is mainly focused improving performance in Android devices.

We also now have a permanent link for Android version. Whenever there is a new update, you will get a message when you try to connect to a server telling you that you must update. Simply click OK and you will be sent to the download page.

The download page is the following:

February 29, 2016, 3:50 am

Patch 2.8.0 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Asteroid Zone Control
  • Nether Novas - Deathmatch

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Fixed more collision problems in maps.
  • You can now use Enter key to send a message in the lobby chat.
  • Recreated the server list to support more servers.
  • Automatically connect to proper lobby after changing region. You don't have to re-log anymore.
  • Your settings (quality, aim sensitivity etc) are now being changed.
  • Added more info to lobby statistics.

February 25, 2016, 4:49 am

Patch 2.7.1 - Changes Notes

Changes/Bug fixes.

  • Fixed shaders and collision problems in Sam Base.
  • Fixed the "Black Holes" in the sky on Death Valley.
  • Added lobby statistics(online players/servers) on the bottom bar in main menu.
  • Added an experimental gun.
  • Temporary removed the Plasma Gun Sentry from research - will be back soon.
  • Created an auto restart system for servers. This will prevent memory leaks, a.k.a server crashes.

February 24, 2016, 6:29 am

Patch 2.7.0 - Changes Notes

New maps.

  • Sam Base Deathmatch
  • Death Valley- Zone Control
Changes/Bug fixes.
  • Fixed all(hopefully) collision problems in Invasion Arena.
  • Rocket Launchers no longer refill from Ammo Kits.
  • MFG Developers hat and Halloween hat are not enabled in the hats store.
An experimental Plasma Sentry turret can be purchased in the Research -> Robotics. It's a modified version of the regular Sentry, with different stats; it uses plasma instead of bullets. It will require testing and stats tweaking over time.

February 22, 2016, 10:02 pm

Patch 2.6.0 - Changes Notes

The new patch comes with two new maps.

  • Invasion Arena - Deathmatch
  • Crossing - Zone Control
There are a few bugs on Invasion Arena, like missing object collision and non working covers. They will be fixed in the next update.
Crossing will be soon updated with a better quality version.

February 21, 2016, 7:24 pm

ComZone is back!

Hey guys,

ComZone is back up and we're adding some great new maps! Keep an eye on the news page for change notes.